How do you know if your influencer marketing efforts are working?
In this episode, Jay discusses influencer marketing expectations for brands and influencers.
Whether you are creating your first influencer campaign, have been burned on influencer marketing, are experienced, or are working with a brand for the first time, you need to make sure you have the right expectations.
The rise of social media has introduced a new channel of marketing, influencer marketing. This channel has become extremely popular among brands and influencers.
Most brands now say they have a budget for influencer marketing and are working to prove its ROI, with some brands even earning $5 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing.
Creators on the other hand, are experiencing increasing success in monetizing their work. We’re also seeing a rise in high-quality content and creators.
With influencer marketing becoming so popular, how do you jump on this fast-moving train? And what should you expect from influencer marketing.
We’ll answer what expectations you should have and how you can get the most out of influencer marketing.